Sunday 18 April 2010


It erupted with some force and now all our plans are grounded.

Yes dear reader, teething has returned and with a vengance. We now have molars coming through and in the same week that the poor little mite had the MMR jab.

We have watched other parents and swore that when we got to the point that we could no longer go out for meals because of the chaos we brought with us then we would call it a day. We reached that point in Brown's restaurant in Canary Wharf yesterday - only chocolate buttons managed to soothe the beast and let us get through the meal but that I suspect will be that. It's another beautful day today in East London and we are off out to Epping Forest soon. Lunch will come in Sandwich form and can be eaten in some secluded grotto.

Hopefully it will be cleared before we fly to California - assuming the ash has abated or blown away to somewhere more convenient. Otherwise we will probably be spending our holiday in California, Stirlingshire.